New Albany Loop Island Wetlands


Protecting Nature and Wildlife

The New Albany Loop Island Wetlands are a premier nature and wildlife preservation area located on the eastern edge of the New Albany Shoreline. The nearly 54 acre site provides stunning views of local wildlife year round, and is accessible right along the Ohio River Greenway.

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New Trails, New Experiences

A few years ago, efforts began to stabilize and improve the trails throughout the New Albany Loop Island Wetlands. Phase 1 is now completed, and has stablized the trails along the western portion (closest to the Wetlands). Phase 2 will include additional trail clearing on the Eastern side (closest to Silver Creek), allowing an additional 1500 feet of new, scenic nature trails.

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Unique Historical Site

From being mentioned in Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s survey of the land before their famous expedition, to being a famous pistol dueling grounds between Henry Clay and Humphrey Marshall in 1809, the New Albany Loop Island Wetlands is filled with historical anecdotes like these.

Our hope is that by re-engaging this area and connecting it to a greater trail system, many more tales will be told about the New Albany Loop Island Wetlands for generations to come.